- Collaborations: between RENEWIA S.p.a. and IBF Servizi
- Partner’s website: diagramgroup.it
- Project Status: In Progress
- Departments: Ecological Transition
Questo progetto nasce dalla collaborazione tra RENEWIA S.p.a. e IBF Servizi S.p.a. per la distribuzione esclusiva di servizi nel settore delle energie rinnovabili e dell’agricoltura di precisione. L’accordo prevede la concessione in esclusiva dei servizi di IBF Servizi a RENEWIA, con l’obiettivo di promuovere e rivendere tali servizi in specifiche aree geografiche.
IBF Servizi S.p.A. is a company based in Jolanda di Savoia (FE), specializing in high-value-added services for agricultural businesses. The company uses precision agriculture technologies to enhance competitiveness and sustainability.

- Promotion and sale of IBF Servizi's services: RENEWIA si impegna a promuovere e vendere i servizi di IBF nelle aree specificate nell’allegato B del contratto, garantendo l’esclusività della distribuzione.
- Improving agricultural competitiveness: Use IBF's precision agriculture services to improve the competitiveness of farms in the assigned areas, reducing costs and increasing production quality.
- Market Expansion: Extend the distribution of IBF services to new geographic areas, with prior written approval from IBF, to increase market presence and reach new clients.
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