This project represents a strategic collaboration aimed at optimizing the process of transferring tax credits, offering vcomprehensive support to the involved companies and ensuring the success of the operations through Renewia's experience and expertise.

Consulting and Coordination for the Transfer of Tax Credits
- Project Status: In Progress
- Departments: Consulting e Management
Il progetto nasce dalla collaborazione tra Renewia S.p.A. e partner strategici nei settori finanziario e della mediazione creditizia, con l’obiettivo di facilitare la cessione di crediti fiscali legati alla Legge Ecobonus. Renewia, sfruttando la sua esperienza nella consulenza aziendale e nella gestione delle operazioni di cessione, mette a disposizione competenze specialistiche per coordinare e valutare la documentazione tecnica delle società cedenti, assicurando il rispetto delle normative e l’efficienza delle transazioni.

- Coordination of Transfer Operations: Renewia assists transferring companies in preparing and evaluating technical documentation, ensuring that the transfer of tax credits is managed in a coordinated and efficient manner.
- Evaluation and Compliance: The project ensures that all documentation related to construction sites and the involved companies is thoroughly assessed to comply with current regulations. This process facilitates smooth transactions with buyers of tax credits, ensuring transparency and efficiency throughout the process.
- Support for Structuring Operations: Renewia supports the structuring of credit transfer operations, ensuring that all procedures comply with the required standards. The company guarantees that all parties involved benefit from a secure and efficient transaction.
Renewia provides assistance in coordinating activities between the selling companies and other involved parties, ensuring that operations proceed smoothly and efficiently
Renewia is responsible for evaluating the technical documentation provided by the transferring companies, paying particular attention to details related to the construction sites and the interventions carried out. This ensures that all information is complete and in compliance with relevant standards.
Renewia entra in relazione, direttamente o tramite i
propri collaboratori, con aziende corporate di grandi dimensioni, sia
potenziali cessionari che cedenti, fornendo loro consulenza su come gestire
al meglio la cessione o l’acquisto di crediti fiscali.
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